The new anti zerg laws!


Non Target spells don't matter because now you can fight. Numbers may still win but you can fight. Just cause things change rapidly doesn't matter you would need to be strategic and might actually want to run with a group of skilled players not just numbers.


I didn't think the basic changes wouldn't be all that complicated, and truth be told in a perfect world they don't have to be. But there are a several issues that would come up with flagging, beneficial acts, blues, etc that would require rigorous testing. And to be perfectly honest staff just doesn't have time for more trial and error right now, what with not releasing everything they wanted to for the expansion, existing mechanics that still haven't been fixed...

That's why my vote is for no stat-loss at all and let peoples sacks (or lack thereof) sort things out.

gucci mane

Non Target spells don't matter because now you can fight. Numbers may still win but you can fight. Just cause things change rapidly doesn't matter you would need to be strategic and might actually want to run with a group of skilled players not just numbers.
even if we just ignored all the reasons why this wouldn't work displayed in this thread (and like bromista is saying with the testing and coding time)

answer this question regarding unequal fighting forces otherwise known as ganks:

why SHOULD it be fair?


While I don't enjoy being ganked it really is easy to get away most of the time. This is just the nature of Ultima Online. Not so sound rude but there are plenty of other free to play carebear shards out there.


You still haven't given me a scenario that you don't think this works. And numbers still isn't a fair fight this would just take away the win button of a ganks.

gucci mane

You still haven't given me a scenario that you don't think this works. And numbers still isn't a fair fight this would just take away the win button of a ganks.
yes i have

im done replying to your shitty idea lol cant believe i already have more than once with the "lol thrd". i thought maybe future noobs just like yourself would stop themself before posting awful suggestions without even knowin their dick from their balls with UO

- Gucci Mane tha greatest


This is a bad idea. It takes away from what UO is...sandbox. People say "pks's from back in the day had balls, blah blah blah" Do you even remember back in the day? I started in 2000. Perma stat loss was still in play. Reds ganked way harder back then. Today it's a group of maybe 10-15. Back then reds knew the cost of fucking up so they traveled in squads of 20+. So help you God if you were a bard in a dungeon and reds found you. It's the reason they made trammel. That's truly what you are're tired of trying to be a lone ranger and getting rolled. Find a bigger group. Make better escape macros.

Yes, I am in a bigger alliance and sometimes we field 10+. However, many many many times i'm on my bard and a huge group rolls in. I dont cry about it. It's part of the game. I either recall out or they get me and I start over. That's UO.


Part of me wishes perma stat and proper risk worked....with some sort of disincentive to gank in place, of course. That's a perfect world for me and I really think that's very similar to what Fallen wants. Can't rip on him for trying. Like I said I got ripped on. Ah well, whaddya do?

I feel like it's just a tough thing to pull off and the more rules you enforce the more sandbox element you have to take away to achieve your our goal.

Self-regulation is the only proper way to impose risk without crippling freedom of choice. It's gotta be up to us to fight fair and that's not really going to happen very often because there are few here with honor.

My buddy and I had a discussion the other day along these lines. He likes to duel and he has been frustrated that no one has given him the same level of respect that he has been giving them lately. I told him he's looking at it all wrong, he needs to assume that everyone is an honor-less scumbag that way he can be pleasantly surprised when someone breaks the mold instead of upset...basically all the time. Because UOF is UO without honor...basically all the time.

I like it here but god damn. People. Am I right? UOF has one fucked up



instead of EVERYBODY making there own guilds fucking alliance up, group up as a team/guild whatever you call your pathetic noob selfs and



Yeahhh but you don't always want to have to answer a gank with a gank though do you? I mean that's too much like being that tryhard that can't play his favorite FPS without a full squad and being in a competitive playlist. Sometimes you just wanna join matchmaking solo and fuck off.

Lol not sure if that analogy works. I might have to step away from this thread for a while. I'm getting way too close to this.


yes i have

im done replying to your shitty idea lol cant believe i already have more than once with the "lol thrd". i thought maybe future noobs just like yourself would stop themself before posting awful suggestions without even knowin their dick from their balls with UO

- Gucci Mane tha greatest
standard forum troll. Can't have a valid argument so just say read what I wrote. Nine of which explained why this would be bad. Oh ya and when that doesn't work insult. Oh yes you don't even know which side of this I'm on. Do you? Pk wanting stat gone. Bard not wanting to be ganked. Big gold pvp that wants a higher skill in my pvp.
The only valid argument is this isn't easy to just do. True. However, uof is capable of the not easy and if this makes pvp better and brings the hard core over because uof requires skill to pvp and skill wins that is a big win for the shard. Because the two biggest problems here are inflation and pvp. Do putting some coding in if it would work woke be time well invested.


I don't understand this. Back in my day, when UO was played on production and not some inbred-run shit-heap called uoforever, "zerging" went by a different name: playing the goddamn game. Sometimes you have more friends on, sometimes they do.

I wonder if this is all stemming from a lack of balance that was inherent with things like stat loss that wasn't castrated or even stamina loss from running that curbed endless cross-country marathons, which ate up stam and slowed zergs or dissolved them after eating a keg just to hop dungeons.


OP: reading between the lines I can see your heart is in the right place. You're attempting to create a balance for uneven situations and that's commendable. However, this isn't the way to go about it. Appreciate the critical thinking and the good intentions but this system will be vastly rejected by the rest if the player base.

Best regards,

Figured I'd try something besides flaming this time.

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Back in the day... precasting and stun didnt exist. which both gives zergs a HUGE advantage. i remember small sized Professional groups prevailed vs zergs. and a hero player would 1v3 and win. When there isnt precasting, u offscreened dumps of zerg so they fizzled the spells(dumps were more like 2 people casting KAL VAS FLAM at same time :D ) . also no one used teamspeak etc, this made zergs even weaker.

Your idea is innovative and i vote +1 . it should at least be tested, if people hate it, then just revert it.


I appreciate those actually trying to be constructive. I don't get all the hate without any scenario that they feel this won't work. Zerg can still win this just helps even the field and can make a whole new level of skill required to excel at team field pvp. I envision a 4v4 where everyone can actually stay on screen and a fight is a fight not a run down.


I appreciate those actually trying to be constructive. I don't get all the hate without any scenario that they feel this won't work. Zerg can still win this just helps even the field and can make a whole new level of skill required to excel at team field pvp. I envision a 4v4 where everyone can actually stay on screen and a fight is a fight not a run down.

Defeats the point of being a pk if you always seek even numbers/duel. Thats why they have the docks.

Sent from my LG-P714 using Tapatalk


How would anyone ever die?

I know for sure I could make an indestructible character if they did this. He'd be such a bad ass looter that part of me wants these changes lol.

But no unfortunately. It'd make pvp sooooooooo slow and uneventful, nothing would ever happen and everyone would get bored.


Defeats the point of being a pk if you always seek even numbers/duel. Thats why they have the docks.

Sent from my LG-P714 using Tapatalk
PK would be fine your still looking for your easy targets if thats your type or you can still roll over ppl with number just not as easily.


PK would be fine your still looking for your easy targets if thats your type or you can still roll over ppl with number just not as easily.

Part of it would be theyd have to implement mount stamina loss. Thatd just be the beginning.

Sent from my LG-P714 using Tapatalk


How would anyone ever die?

I know for sure I could make an indestructible character if they did this. He'd be such a bad ass looter that part of me wants these changes lol.

But no unfortunately. It'd make pvp sooooooooo slow and uneventful, nothing would ever happen and everyone would get bored.
Without a doubt fights may last longer but if you enjoy the actual fight thats not a bad thing. Your still going to die on any char template you die on now it just might require a little more skill from your attackers. You loot somoenes stuff now 3 guys jump you you die. You loot something with these changes 3 guys jump you, you likely still die just might take some more mana or organization from the 3 to no waste mana on trying for the one shot dump.