Recent content by Bow Jackson

  1. Bow Jackson

    WTS 105 Mining/115 Tailoring/120 Lore PS

    How much for 120 tailor
  2. Bow Jackson

    WTB DONATION COINS - Paying 160k/1000 Need 16k more!

    Still need them?
  3. Bow Jackson

    WTS Nice Brit Vendor House

    I’ll give u an Ethy frenzied Ostard for it
  4. Bow Jackson

    WTS selling ethy frenzied ostard 2k dono coins or 340k

    my bad its the frenzied one lol
  5. Bow Jackson

    WTB buying large stone tower

  6. Bow Jackson

    WTS selling ethy frenzied ostard 2k dono coins or 340k

  7. Bow Jackson

    WTS Skill Scrolls!

    I’ll take 3 lockpicking
  8. Bow Jackson

    buying high level t maps

    buying 5 and up t maps
  9. Bow Jackson

    WTS Indestruct/Vanq/Emm War Hammer

    Alright thanks. I'll be home in about 90 mins and then I leave for work at 230 est
  10. Bow Jackson

    WTS selling lord Brit torch 130k
