Recent content by Fastbucks

  1. Fastbucks

    Old vet from 97 recently heard about UO Forever

    Welcome dude! Glad to have ya on the server
  2. Fastbucks

    WTS HUGE DONO ITEM SALE!! Discounted Items!

    nm got them
  3. Fastbucks

    WTS HUGE DONO ITEM SALE!! Discounted Items!

    damn missed them.
  4. Fastbucks

    WTS HUGE DONO ITEM SALE!! Discounted Items!

    I will buy all 3 of these please: Charcoal Robe (blessed) 150k Charcoal Skirt (blessed) 150k Charcoal Half Apron (blessed) 150k Ill be online tonight between 4 PST - 9 PST. Thanks
  5. Fastbucks

    EQMS Announcement : Safe Champ Spawn Day = Sundays

    All hail Archersnon!
  6. Fastbucks

    WTS Golden Relic (gold relic) - 550k

    Price increased and on Yew Bank Vendor.
  7. Fastbucks

    WTS Semidar's Demonic Futon - 300k

    Looking to sell!
  8. Fastbucks

    WTS Focal relic for meta mage - SOLD

    ok ill do 1.8. when can you meet up?
  9. Fastbucks

    WTS Focal relic for meta mage - SOLD

    would you take 1.5 mill for this?
  10. Fastbucks

    WTB Shadow Disciple

    Still looking - 3mill
  11. Fastbucks

    WTS Brit GY 17x14 (Max Storage) plus Free 7x9.(SOLD)

    All of my bids are being retracted. I just realised I don't even have the gold to buy this. Sorry for the confusion.
  12. Fastbucks

    WTS Brit GY 17x14 (Max Storage) plus Free 7x9.(SOLD)

    Ouch! I sell them all the time for 165k in min. Sorry to bug ya.
  13. Fastbucks

    WTS Brit GY 17x14 (Max Storage) plus Free 7x9.(SOLD)

    Would you accept dono coins?