Recent content by Hemroid

  1. Hemroid

    Price Check: Donation Coins and items

    I'm always looking to purchase Dono Coins. Let me know if you are selling. =)
  2. Hemroid

    Donation coin $/donation coin ratio

    I guess I will try tonight. =)
  3. Hemroid

    Donation coin $/donation coin ratio

    I see there were some changes to the $/donation coin ratio. I am personally between spending $45 and $90. 5000/10000 donation coins. As the donation dollar amount increases, I think it would be helpful (for my budget) if I received more bang for my buck. Any thoughts?
  4. Hemroid

    WTS sold

    115 tailoring 500k Still available?
  5. Hemroid

    WTS Kurt Cobain's Vendor House!

    I would buy this house, what are you looking for?