Recent content by Mr. Bo-Jangles

  1. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    Laziest Tamer Pet

    I heard a rumor from a friend that there was a dexxer running around using a giant beetle as a tank. Apparently with 100 dex, healing the beetle through vet was a 3 second bandage timer (way better than X second bandage timer to heal yourself). Not sure if dex actually affects vet...
  2. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    archery miss rate + arms lore vagueness

    Some things cannot be explored unless you're spending hours doing tests over and over. For example, the topic of this thread... Really takes away from playing the game you know?
  3. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    archery miss rate + arms lore vagueness

    Just another mystery mechanic that im sure some people will argue should be left a mystery to maintain some level of mysteriousness. In my opinion there are WAY too many mechanics (especially those exclusive to this server) that need some light shed on them (ie. exact details could be posted on...
  4. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    This Friday! Player Event! Friday Night Fight Knights! Cash Prizes!!

    Ye olde thread-containing-a-promotion-for-another-thread trick eh? Some inception shit goin on up in 'ere.
  5. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    Unstackable Un-Marked Runes

    +1 Would be a great addition IMO. I'm sure there's a crafty code way to make the stack still count each individual rune towards the max item count in your bag - even so i don't really think that's entirely necessary since it isn't game breaking in any way.
  6. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    Pk Bears???

    Really meses up my AFK mining too :(
  7. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    No Christmas Mobs

    Isn't the % of XP returned to your meta based on the mobs health? So if you're farming ogre lords with X hp, then you encounter an holiday ogrelord with 3*X hp, isnt the mob no longer in your meta's XP wheelhouse? You'd lose a significant % of the XP because of the penalty of the mob no longer...
  8. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    No Christmas Mobs

    I like these ideas, but i think (it may just be a matter of personal opinion) that the major flaw with the holiday mob system is that you're FORCED to encounter these (unreasonably tougher) mobs since they spawn EVERYWHERE. The shitty loot is just a supporting fact that there's nearly no...
  9. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    120 tame

  10. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    No Christmas Mobs

    Or, implement a similar system to the MotM. Holiday mobs could have a chance at spawning in SPECIFIC areas. These areas could even be chosen based on relation to the holiday. Halloween mobs could be undeads, christmas could be Ice related mobs. etc... That way people have the option to...
  11. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    No Christmas Mobs

    Why the hell not keep holiday mobs, just dont make them any stronger than the base mob? That way they still have the potential of dropping their GARBAGE holiday loot, but they don't destroy your motivation to clear out a spawn. Implementing such a change would ENCOURAGE players to kill the...
  12. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    Texas Renaissance Festival

    I go to the one in Michigan nearly every year. Does the "Dead Bob" show make it out to the Texas location? Hands down the best performance at the RenFest. I bought a full size forged Katana last year. Vendor was asking $300 (well worth it), i haggled him down to $150. I've hacked and...
  13. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    Champ Participation Reward and AR patch for masks

    Why not just make the server trammel? I wholeheartedly disagree with this addition pussify-the-world movement. I've been on the short end of the stick more times than i'd like to admit, but i still view it as part of the game. It's a risk reward system. If you don't think the risk (being PKd...
  14. Mr. Bo-Jangles

    LJ Seem op AF

    I c...