Bonded pets / pets


Should definitely fix the bonded pets fiasco, i.e. log with your account ? dont unbond after one night not being in stable or mounted. Also when people lore your pets into homes we should be able to click on pet and click leave house so that they cannot just abuse the fact that they can unbond your pets in a night


I don't think the community as a whole would agree trapping pets is total legal and keep's pvp tamer's at a minimum if they logged out with you it would either have too

1. Have the pet log back in trapped still. ( your stuck with a unusable pet for even longer if you cant release it)

2. Have the pet return to its master when he/she logs back in ( will increase risk free all kill pvp tenfold and remove the need for petballs)

i personally dont trap people's pets but i can see that tamers already own pvm and should not have a risk free pvp template too or we will be over run with no skill all kill naked pvp tamer's.

IMO leave it how it is


I think they intended to have players trap pets inside of houses for griefing to be legal. BUT, they need to change the rules on the site, because the rules say it is illegal to trap any kind of npc/monster for any reason.


Simple fix. Pets log out with you when they are next to you. Ie. Same rule set as following thru a gate. Meaning if it's trapped you out of luck but now you don't get screwed for forgetting to stable a pet when you log.