Ultima Online Forever - Ultima Online Renaissance - Ultima Forever

Cat Lyxen
Cat Lyxen
Hiyas, been playing on Demise and regular paid account. Need to download patch ughh :)
Ryu Musashi
Ryu Musashi
Demise what's that about lots of roleplaying? is it old school kinda or just like regular uo? and i stopped playing regular uo.
Cat Lyxen
Cat Lyxen
Demise is a free server, but has Tram & Fel. Havent seen to much roleplay yet. Been building skills and junk.
Ryu Musashi
Ryu Musashi
It's hard to find some steady rp but i'm pretty active on here. Glad to talk to an friend from the past. :) does Ditto still play?
Cat Lyxen
Cat Lyxen
Ditto has been playing the free server Demise. Aulbrey, Ditto and Ritchie.
Ryu Musashi
Ryu Musashi
The whole crew is there.