Search results

  1. c0nes

    Looking to buy Mare

    Dont care about stats. Let me know if you have one for sale.
  2. c0nes

    WTS Small Bods Valerite and Verite

    Valorite Exceptional Chainmail Leggings 0/15 Valorite Exceptional Metal Kite Shield 0/20 Verite Normal Chainmail Coif 0/15 PM if interested.
  3. c0nes

    BS SS for buy?

    Anyone have any BS SS for sale?
  4. c0nes

    Ingot Counter Razor

    Is it possible to display counters for individual ingot colors. It seems all ingots have the same item number or is there something else I'm missing? Thanks in advance.
  5. c0nes

    Salvage Bag

    Do these exist in UOForever? If so, where can I find one. If not, is there a good way to salvage items while smithing? Any help is appreciated,