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  1. T

    Bring young character to collect money up at dangeons.

    Last I checked monsters would attack young players in dungons
  2. T

    WTB +5 provo and +10 provo

    PM mere here, i'll be on and off all day
  3. T

    WTS 110 Provo

    if you still have the scroll i want it
  4. T

    Keys not working?

    Weird issue here: In Steam and the client my F8 and F9 keys dont work. If I launch with Razor, they work WITH razor but still not in the client. Has anyone else had a similar issue. Also, on other freeshards, when I launch with Steam these keys do work. Any ides? I have reinstalled and all that
  5. T

    Programs with freezing up

    Razor does this with me, As others said, right click, properties, always run as admin and XP compat mode
  6. T

    Introduce yourself (2015) (Archived)

    Howdy, I'm TerrorSquad. I started playing UO in 98 back on LS and then moved to Atl when Age of Shadows hit. I played activly until the middle of last year. I've messed around some on uoforever but never got too involved on the freeservers. Been playing here for about 2 weeks and really enjoy it