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  1. N

    Questions about Bods

    I've played many different servers to include OSI with BODS, all having different rules to go with them. I'm curious if there are any reset timers on bods? Is it a static 6 hours per BOD no matter what? IF there are reset timers, whats the minimum required tailor/blacksmithy to collect a BOD...
  2. N

    WTB GM made locked boxes.

    Name your price here, or a PM thank you.
  3. N

    Bank and Credits?

    Disregard. figured it out.
  4. N

    Booty Island..

    I'm about 5 days new here and have no idea where this Booty Island is. I'm trying to get a house. Any and all help is appreciated. So far the shard is nice aside from the constant armies of reds that want to roll through shame lvl 1:D