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    The Current Market

    I don't think PSes should decay, but some other creative solution could work, like the combining powerscrolls idea, or maybe using them in a point reward system for something.
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    Oh yes ;)

    Oh yes ;)
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    WTS Silver/Vanq/Surp Acc Bow

    Waiting for the price to lower a bit
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    WTS Handouts, Deco, BOD Cloth, SS, PS, Misc!!!

    I will buy an ethy llama if you lower the price by about 7k
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    WTB Ethy horse

    Make it 180k and I'll buy
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    WTS Bloodied Cocoon-200k..Ethy Horse 150k

    I'll buy it for 165k
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    WTB Ethy horse

    PM me if you have one for sale, please. Thank you.
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    Calling out PCH/T^C

    I look forward to fighting the Red Witch out in the sea with my guildmates. It should be very fun.
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    I can pay you the 180 for 1k immediately.
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    WTS Animal Lore 115 - 200k

    Selling Animal Lore 115 Power Scroll. If interested, please PM.
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    WTS Every bow I have

    @GriefedYaBish I will gather all the bows in several bags and deliver it in a place we can mutually agree on. PM me?
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    WTS Every bow I have

    For 100k* They include slayers, vanqs and powers. * Because the first offer fell on deaf ears, currently not selling to AoTS members. SOLD Thank you to @GriefedYaBish for the purchase.
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    WTS Arcane Demon Statuette - 200k

    Bump. Lowering price to 190k.
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    WTS Arcane Demon Statuette - 200k

    @CAPTUN AUSTRALIA I heard you might be interested in this statue.
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    WTS Four Champion Skulls- 360k

    I'll take your offer, let me know when you're available to go to WBB.
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    WTS Arcane Demon Statuette - 200k

    An arcane daemon statuette. Initial price 200k but I can go as low as 190k if necessary. It is a rare, I did my research and I think this is a fair price for it.
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    Cute zergs by $ and EQMS on Arch Demon this weekend

    I still think the solution is just doing what they do except instead of zerg rushing the champs they do, lure a lot of monsters at them.
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    Unbless All Spellbooks

    Most mages I know that are geared for PvP take potions, especially explos, because they can combo with certain spells for a more immediate drop payoff. Regs are expensive, and if you piss your opponent off enough, they won't let you keep those either.
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    Unbless All Spellbooks

    The thrust of this suggestion is that mages' weapons aren't taken away when they are killed and looted by a third party or the PK who vanquished them, whereas dexxers' are. Well, that's tough shit, but they're both very different playstyles, one of which requires ammunition (regs) to be...