Search results

  1. V

    @Shane You asked for constructive suggestions.

    My first suggestion would be to look deeper into the red population that has grown in numbers. Although I disagree with the three account rule it is too late to reverse this rule, however one can implement changes that would balance this out. I propose implementing a full out OSI stat system for...
  2. V

    WTB 20k Iron Ingots @8 per(BOUGHT)

  3. V

    Difficulty DLing Sallos

    Everytime I try to download Sallos my antivirus catches a trojan virus. What's up with that?
  4. V

    WTS 5k Dono Coins @ 165k per 1k. (SOLD)

  5. V

    Evil mage cloth?

    Hello, I was just wondering if there is Evil Mage hued cloth on this server. I remember Evil Mages dropping their hued robes after you killed them. If it is attainable on this server then how? Thank you. :)
  6. V

    Hello UO:Forever!

    I hope everyone is doing well. I am an old school UO addict. I played on Catskills from 2000-2003. I quickly left right after the expansion AoS. I did try some free servers for a short period, but that was not long lived. I have been away from this great game for a little over a decade. I am...