Search results

  1. D

    WTB WTB handout double sash

    Looking to buy one of the handout double sash's, would be interested in buying more then one of them if those of you interested in parting with one read this. You can msg me on discord atxparadox#1770 or leave me a message here with price and we will see about making the transaction. Thanks for...
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    Macro help

    So i got Sallos working, I can see the "smoothness" and enjoy how quickly you can move things around. When it comes to macros I think I need some help, or maybe its just not possible to do some macros. One macro i'd like is one that poisons your weapon, not (use skill poison, manually select...
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    Arms Lore on Defense Tali

    My suggestion is that arms lore should increase your accuracy to hit all monsters, not just those over 100 wrestling. If you are more proficient at hitting a monster that's over skilled in wrestling, wouldn't it make since you'd be just as skilled at hitting monsters under 100 wrestling? Would...
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    Weapon delay on equip removed?

    So I know this server has been around for awhile, so it's quite possible this was already brought up. Right now both dexers and mages hold pretty good builds, more then one viable build around for them. I've heard random banter about it before, but if weapon delay on equip was removed then it...
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    WTB handout double sash

    I don't know when, but there was a time where the double sash was a handout, this made it dye-able. Looking to purchase this double sash. You can send me a message here or contact me on discord as aTxParadox
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    WTB 18x18

    Knight looking for a 18x18, Hoping to find one around 2-3mil so I can get into a larger home. If you have one for sell for more and don't mind holding it, I could possibly buy it from you towards the end of this month. You can leave a message here or message me on UOF discord - aTxParadox with...
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    Hey everyone in UO:F, Long time UO player from back in the OSI days. Started on Lake Superior and eventually moved to nappa valley, later following a clan through houkto and catskills. I played on other private run servers after which i won't mention for the sake of this server. My characters...