Search results

  1. DLogie84

    WTB vanquishing weapons

    ill pay 10k/each.
  2. DLogie84

    WTS Ingots & Regs

    i feel like if i buy your stuff im supplying a red who will pk me... hmmm
  3. DLogie84

    WTB swamp dragon and val deed - 1 mil

    ill pay 1 mil for both. pm me if interested.
  4. DLogie84

    WTB vanq weaps for quest.

    ill pay 10k each. pm me if selling, tks!
  5. DLogie84

    WTB Buying Vanq Weps for Quest

    what cant you use for the quest?
  6. DLogie84

    WTS 18x18 - S/B 500k! - South of Trinsic

    seems a little extreme... but alright! @drasked if something you want is reasonably priced don't mess around bidding.
  7. DLogie84

    WTS 8x8 super close to vesper bank and minoc moongate

    comes with everything in it S/B 300K B/O 500K
  8. DLogie84

    WTB 120 blacksmith PS

    PM me if you have one for sale.
  9. DLogie84

    WTB death beetle / 115 tame PS / 115 lore PS

    PM me with stats and/or prices. Thanks!
  10. DLogie84

    death beetle / 115 taming PS / 115 lore PS

    pm me stats and/or prices. thanks!
  11. DLogie84

    WTS dragon meta: lvl 5, green, molten and nox relics

    last bump for reduced price
  12. DLogie84

    WTS dragon meta: lvl 5, green, molten and nox relics

    PRICE REDUCED 8M + 60hrs invested selling for 5.5M This is as low as I go... Will either sell when I wake up tonight (night shifter) or make the decision to keep it instead. PM me if interested
  13. DLogie84

    WTS green meta dragon: lvl 5 w/ stone, nox, and molten

    8M + 60 hrs invested Selling for 7M PM me if interested
  14. DLogie84

    WTS Meta Dragon: lvl 5, molten and nox relic

  15. DLogie84

    WTS Meta Dragon: lvl 5, molten and nox relic

    Green (hue 1155) egg - 1 mil stone - 2.5 mil nox - 1 mil molten - 3.5 mil About 60hrs of grinding to get from lvl 1-5 I realize how long it took and how much longer it will take and i just don't want to do it anymore haha. Just gonna get a beetle for farming instead and enjoy the game in...
  16. DLogie84


    165K / 1K OR 1.5M / 10K PM IF INTERESTED
  17. DLogie84

    WTS Taming SS for 240K and 1yd MOTM Cloth for 220K

    pm me if internested