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  1. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    There's already a couple fishing macros floating around..pun intended
  2. Experience

    Coming Soon: Library for sale....

    My job is continuing my 6 days a week at 50+ hours a week, so yeah it's hard at times to find time to get in game. I was trying to keep up with multiple houses and vendors and so on. One house ended up falling (must have refreshed it during server issues or misjudged the timing) But as I know my...
  3. Experience

    Coming Soon: Library for sale....

    I plan to be somewhat picky with the buyer as I'd like to see it stay a public library...
  4. Experience

    Coming Soon: Library for sale....

    I was consistently refreshing all of my houses...and yet 1 fell...So my concern is that this will fall and be gone. So I'd love to see it go to someone who will keep it a public library (As it is still the best library I know of on UOF) and is a great resource for players young and old
  5. Experience

    Coming Soon: Library for sale....

    More like IRL screwing with my pixels :P
  6. Experience

    Coming Soon: Library for sale....
  7. Experience

    Coming Soon: Library for sale....

    I really hate to do it, but I've lost too much already as I can't seem to keep up. I'm going to begin cleaning out my Trinsic Library and placing it and the house for sale. I will leave ONLY the rune library. All other items will be moved with me. Taking bids by PM until it is posted for sale....
  8. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    Pretty sure that script needs updated :( I'll try to remember when I get time
  9. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    Restock agent for regs. potions just use a clickobject for 0 to 20..or how ever many potions you want
  10. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    you will basically need gumpreply promptmsg
  11. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    You may need to adjust your delays and such to compensate then.
  12. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions
  13. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    There's a macro already made
  14. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    It is possible to GET the health bar. and no its not possible to get the right pot throwing time unless your using an illegal modified version of UOS
  15. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    targetexists is the nearest to what you're looking for I think
  16. Experience

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    if not @findobject 'Junk' headmsg 'Select where you wish to dump junk poles' promptalias 'Junk' endif if not @findalias 'Bent' headmsg 'Select where you wish to drop Bent Poles' if mounted 'self' useobject 'self' pause 600 endif promptalias 'Bent' endif if not...
  17. Experience

    Player Written Book Publishing System

    If I remember correctly one of them was the "Perfect Brownie Recipe"
  18. Experience

    Player Written Book Publishing System

    I remember this and actually remember trying to collect some of them haha
  19. Experience


    I will be updating this later today
  20. Experience


    Added Invasion Footage and June 23rd Duels