Search results

  1. M

    Placing House

    I am ready to place a house, BUT have no idea what the terrain rules are, or the 60 second deed waiting rule.
  2. M

    Quitting Minax

    How do I leave this group? I thought I wanted to play in it, but see that it doesnt work well for a blacksmith in training.
  3. M

    Blacksmith caves

    Do these caves add to skill gain?
  4. M

    WTS Silver Harp

    Make offer
  5. M

    WTS .1 Stealing Scroll 1k

    Say om
  6. M

    Mining Bug

    about 10 hours ago I had atleast 400 iron ingots and 32 valorite ores, log onto today and find theyre gone.
  7. M

    Buying Orc Pickaxe 15k

    PM me on here if you got one.
  8. M

    UO Character Token does this work on uoforever?
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    WTS Selling Glowing Rune make offer.

    PM me here to offer
  10. M

    Trying to do bulk orders...

    I click bulk order info and it says "you can do bulk orders now" and nothing else
  11. M

    Died from an unwarned criminal act

    I tried using my dagger on a dead body and was killed instantly, no warning about the act. Died immediately can't get resurrected cause I'm a criminal.
  12. M

    Trapped on a house

    I went onto a teleport staircase on the porch of a house and now cannot teleport back down. It says the teleport cannont be accessed. Im trapped on a house east of the pig field west of Brit