Search results

  1. X

    WTS 1k dono -180k -

  2. X

    WTS 1k dono -180k -

    there was a rollback, got my coins again looking to sell - at brit bank steps
  3. X

    WTS 1k dono -180k -

    on brit bank steps, char name xodus -
  4. X

    WTB Blacksmith - 110

    bought - tyvm
  5. X

    WTB Blacksmith - 110

    Title says it all -
  6. X

    WTS Mango's BOD Selling Thread

    Hey Mango - I know this is off topic, but do your vendors sell bronze ingots?
  7. X

    Identification wands

    Well not high end monsters - I got one off of a zombie in Brit graveyard
  8. X

    WTS Selling 7X9 Customizable House

    Good seller , transaction completed
  9. X

    WTB All of your vanquish axes -

    Sell me all your vanq axes - price is determined by weapon attributes.
  10. X

    WTS Selling 7X9 Customizable House

    Still online, will be at Brit bank until u log on, if you log on within the next 3 hours, I'll give u 160
  11. X

    247 Z axis house res exploit..

    I'm not seeing the problem. Sounds like op is a little butt hurt IMHO. But wouldn't a balcony, in real life, be a common weak point for entering a secure building? I grew up an inner city kid, and fire escapes and balconies are how we got into other peoples homes that were otherwise secure.
  12. X

    WTS Selling 7X9 Customizable House

    I'll buy for 150k - we own the small tower north of lich spawn, nice place. I'll be online at Brit bank for the next few hours. Wife will appreciate her own place. Char name - xodus
  13. X


    How close are the closest spawns?
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    Free bump
  15. X

    WTS Selling 7X9 Customizable House

    Pks aren't bad in that area. Haven't been pkd yet there.
  16. X

    WTS 1k dono (180k gold) and shadow runic hammer

    Both sold to a very nice character in pink
  17. X

    WTS 1k dono (180k gold) and shadow runic hammer

    For the dono coins, I'm at west Brit bank, char name xodus - will be online for another hour or two there. For the shadow runic - best offer, don't know what they go for.
  18. X

    Rate my Pvm build?

    Ok - wife has magery, eval, anatomy, resist, inscrib, meditation, and that's it so far - so we should add music / Provo and drop resists or inscribing?
  19. X

    Rate my Pvm build?

    I'm getting my ass kicked by liches / lords even with my wife's gm Mage dedicate. Sure we can take one or two, but 3 or 4 and it's over. I have gm: Swords Tactics Anatomy Hiding Almost gm healing Resist Lumberjack Maybe I just suck, I don't know. I get around 45ish AR from the chain / ring...
  20. X

    Would 120 ljack skill increase damage in Pvm?

    Would 120 lumberjack increase the bonus damage in Pvm? If so, I think I might do that. This is in comparison to having 100lj.