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  1. vdawg

    WTB Iron Ingots @ 10gp each

    just checked vesper and found none. no one gating from wbb to there atm..
  2. vdawg

    WTB Iron Ingots @ 10gp each

    need 10 to 15k worth. thanks!
  3. vdawg

    Things to do while server is down..

  4. vdawg

    Things to do while server is down..

    I usually open UO and keep clicking the green arrow until it crashes or stare hopelessly at Connecting.. Reminds me of the good old days of dial up. What do you guys do?
  5. vdawg

    Go Back to Dallas!

    right when i decided to pick a fight with a demon lol
  6. vdawg

    Provo mage, what should be my last skill?

    Begging is a legit and underrated skill. The more you know =)