Cellars need to come with extra lockdowns and secures.


For 3 mill, they really should come with this, and I do know it has been talked about before. My suggestion would be for them to come with the amount of storage that the house it is put on comes with. So an 18x18 would be max storage x2.

The reason I feel like this is a good idea, is because o the cost of the cellar. I think it would be a more efficient gold sink if it doubled your storage because then people with 18x18 would buy them, instead of just keep/castle people. A lot of people are like me and simply have ran out of room and would really love more storage to be available, and for the price of cellars.. I don't think doubling storage would be OP. I think it should be at LEAST 50% of the house it is connected too, but 100% would be perfect IMO.

I know the xpac just came out, and you guys have been busy as hell with the new core and fixing lag... But I think we should scoot this up on the list of importance and sink a shit ton more gold out of our economy!


that sounds like it would be REALLY hard to code.

What would be easier is if they just made increased storage deeds available via sink vendor, which target the house sign for additional storage, max amount of deeds that can be used based on Tiers, ie. Teir 1 house storage addition ticket. Teir 2 etc etc.
And for DISMALLY small amounts for SOO EXPENSIVE :D

lets face it , extra storage is a great endgame goal for endgame players


ya'll need to start taking stuff to the dump..

2 accounts, 6 characters and 2 houses isn't enough storage for you?

what the heck do you people hold onto?


double storage is too much to be asking, 3 mill is a joke to make, I spend more than i bring in daily and still have gold for months to BS with

maybe its just time to recycle most of your items like other players do to reduce the server save time as well as a problem with hoarding items as well... set up a vendor or something and stop expecting top dollar price for everything IMO


Was the first to buy the cellar.
It's a novelty. A gold sink.
More storage = more server save durations.
How much shit do people really need laying around?
In the case of Asan with his desire to deco, sure, I can understand wanting to load the fuck out of houses.
Sure. More than welcome to. He's good at the deco thing. But it's pretty easy to store 1000 INDIVIDUAL items between two accounts in banks (yes, that's assuming one has gold sunk the 2 mil for 2 more character slots).

Cellars are great as they are.

I don't need 16,000 storage between my two homes. (Going off the numbers of doubling storage) .
And would be hard pressed to believe anyone would 'need' beyond 6000 individual item counts. (1000 from banks, and pmuch 5000 from 2 18x18's)


I would buy a cellar deed if the storage was increased... I go deco crazy and have already used up half my castle lockdowns on just my garden alone, and its not even done. I wouldn't even use the cellar, just the storage lockdowns :) and would happily pay 3 to 5m for more lockdowns :)


Then place a second castle for auxiliary storage.
In the meantime, I'm trying to think up a legitimate means of replicating "Clean-Up Britannia" from 15 or so years ago (when dye tubs etc were introduced) to present to the staff.
Having a great influx of players of late, I believe Adam said 2 days ago that we had 700 uniques on. And I'm seeing a fuckload of new players. Which is kickass. But we all know how much we hoard as new players.

On topic though. I think a more justified request would be 25% storage upgrade as opposed to the 100%.
Since high end customs are 4 floors, adding a 5th via cellar would max yield a 25% upgrade.
Of course this is not the case with keeps/castles (3 floors with ladders). But you get the idea.
I say this because for the sake of argument, the option/choice to do so would appeal to the minority of large homeowners. And wouldn't have a huge effect on excessive item counts.
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i think 1 item = 1 byte lol
is items rly laggin??

Hehe, yeah it takes a couple of more bytes to store an item. Each item property alone needs a bunch of bits (usually more than 8 bits, which is a byte).

Anyhow, considering some shards have no item decay in houses which allows for unlimited storage, I don't think a bit of extra storage would do the server much harm. If the cellar addon would only give you a slight increase in storage (10%+) I'd still buy it. But now it just seems like a personal playground that you can't show off to the people passing by. Not worth it imo, unless you plan on hosting cool events in them :p.

Dwyane Wade

Then place a second castle for auxiliary storage.
In the meantime, I'm trying to think up a legitimate means of replicating "Clean-Up Britannia" from 15 or so years ago (when dye tubs etc were introduced) to present to the staff.
Having a great influx of players of late, I believe Adam said 2 days ago that we had 700 uniques on. And I'm seeing a fuckload of new players. Which is kickass. But we all know how much we hoard as new players.

On topic though. I think a more justified request would be 25% storage upgrade as opposed to the 100%.
Since high end customs are 4 floors, adding a 5th via cellar would max yield a 25% upgrade.
Of course this is not the case with keeps/castles (3 floors with ladders). But you get the idea.
I say this because for the sake of argument, the option/choice to do so would appeal to the minority of large homeowners. And wouldn't have a huge effect on excessive item counts.

Clean up of Brit would be awesome, we need to get the ball rolling!


Yeah. Still thinking of a legitimate way to present it to Staff.
Off the top though, weapons with magical properties would be rated 1-6 in points (zero damage modifier up to vanq). And similar for armor.
And maybe also add in 10k gold for 5 points.
Thus a potential gold sink/server clean-up at the same time.

Cash-in rewards are the tricky part.
Pure white trash-barrel?!

I dunno. Trying to think of a few things. Enough to be a novelty, but not enough to be game/economy breaking.

Could also be a raffle in which these tokens are used as raffle tickets for?! I dunno, was gonna mention/ask staff but I think I've annoyed the shit outta Carl already with my cellar tests on the test shard hehehe (very few I know even have them on live, so i've never had a chance to test with other people etc)


ya'll need to start taking stuff to the dump..

2 accounts, 6 characters and 2 houses isn't enough storage for you?

what the heck do you people hold onto?

It has gotten to the point.. where I have 125 items of strictly +25 vanqs, so now I have to break them down into boxes for say.. swords +25 vanq.. fencing +25 vanq..etc etc.. Not counting the +20's...

Trust me, my buddies always ***** at me for throwing out 'good shit' Im sure a lot of you have found my boxes at WBB loaded with GM armor weps random shit etc etc... WBB is my dump, I use it frequently. It has gotten to the point I only keep +20/25 force weps, and anything less gets dumped. Trust me, a couple 18x18's is not enough for true end game players.


Clean up brit is a good idea, but again people like me don't keep newbie shit, and trust me.. I have been running a vendor for months.. 2 actually.. I can't sell it off as quick as I get it.

25% storage is fine too. Hell, any storage. And yes, my deco thing is probably huge reason why I have these issues.