Deal or No Deal Event

Congratulations to the winners from tonight's event!
Taming Shawn

More will be added to this list!
Another chance for the players who missed out will take place again tomorrow evening EST! Do not miss out on the chance to win 200k for FREE!
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This is such a fantastic and well run player event. Secure, trustworthy and the the organisers of the events were able to explain the rules of the game quite easily. I've had the chance to play at two of the events, and though I can't say I broke even, I had loads of fun. Looking forward to the Deal or No Deal event!
Sorry for the delayed post.
First off, i want to thank the players who came and supported our event.
Second, congrats to taming shawn for taking home 101K from the event (he actually had the chest for 175k, but accepted our deal). Regardless, it was all in good fun! Congrats!

We forgot to take screenshots as we were overwhelemed with the event. Stay tuned for our upcoming events, they are free to participate...