Galleon Bilders Price check


And how would destroying the chance at developing a galleon market help you?

Its not like raising prices and cutting supply has worked in the past. The market just died.

"Those who dont learn from history, are doomed to repeat it"

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If drop rates have been increased on the ingots then the britt galleon is on its way. That would be the only logical reason drops was increased secretly. We could be seeing more ingots due to very low demand of galleons. Hell the orc galleon is still broke....


Yup lots or forces at play and the market is adjusting to changes in supply and changes in demands. Its not longer the economy of 3 months ago. And its not just naval items im noticing s price drop. Pretty much across the board: ingots, upper tier logs, barding deeds, slayers, slayer books, armor and many more items. Its just a ever evolving economy.

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