Greetings! New player here


Hello all,

So.. I'm not *exactly* new to UO, but I basically am. The last time I played was probably around 2001, which would have put me at 12 or so. I was.... pretty bad. I don't think I was capable of grasping the full extent of the mechanics. Barely any of them really. It took me forever to get my crappy little house but I remember being quite proud of it.

Anyways, for some reason I wanted to come back to it and give it a second go. I'm curious if it's even really possible though, these days.

Reading the forums, and PvP forums especially, it all seems a little daunting. Seems alot of people have decades of experience, and there's so many facets to this game. I've seen a few videos and screenshots, and people's clients looks absolutely nothing like mine haha. Heck there's not even trees in half the screenshots I saw.

I guess my question is - is it worth it just to play at my own pace, mess around, and try to have fun? Do people still play that way at all? Or has it entirely turned into a min/maxing, race to the most pixels and gold, slaughter all before you type game? Not that I would fault people for playing that way, I mean, if a game is around for near on 20 years people are going to dissect it down to it's smallest parts. But can I still get enjoyment out of it, or am I just going to get constantly stomped every step of the way (Not to suggest I'm a salt mine - I don't particularly care if I get killed, just pixels after all, but is it a huge uphill battle to learn the game this late?)

There also seems to be a lot of venom and vitriol thrown around on the forums, which I guess is a little off putting, but it's hard to tell how much of that is genuine and how much of it is just good natured trash talking. I guess I sound a little pessimistic, but I'm genuinely curious before I devote hours into the game and find out it's just not for me.


absolutely it's worth it. i came back under similar circumstances and have really enjoyed it.

different guilds have different goals. if you want a more laidback experience, there are guilds for that. ones that focus on community and not end-game content. if you've got an interest in RPing, you might want to check our the orcs or knights (or the rp-lite trinsic).

as to the forum venom, its a mix. some of it is friendly but there are definitely strong egos and trolls. it is the internet after all. if you avoid the PVP section you'll have a much more pleasurable time.


Totally worth it :D I'm doing as you said...just playing at my own pace and I'm having a great time. One key thing is as you's just any other game where you can be looted and pk'd, try not to get attached to your items and you'll have a much more enjoyable time:)

I was running around with full leather armour and what I basically go round nekkid and put on random armour as I find it....if I die....oh well...just grab another bow, arrows and somne bandis and off I go again :) minimal loss

The toxicity of the PvP forums is a bit ridiculous but can make for entertaining reading. Not much of a pvper myself (because I suck).but do enjoy the random battle where I'm not just getting mage dumped and called a n00b haha! Some are nice about it and some are is life xD

Just jump on board, read some forums, ask any questions and have a fun time :D


Very much worth it, If you have thick skin. You will be pked, You will be griefed at times. But that is why UO is what it is. You will also find great RP community's, as well as awesome PvM guilds and PvP guilds. People willing to help and teach you the basics, help you get your foot down on the shard.. People here often help new players with getting houses, regs for their first mage or things like that.


The learning curve is pretty steep, but the wiki is helpful and people are usually happy to explain stuff. I've been playing for a year now and still ask newbie questions in Discord all the time. You don't have to get caught up in the PvP rat race unless you want to, and you don't have to learn all the minutia unless you want to -- with just some basic knowledge you can jump in and start seeing what aspects of the game interest you.


Thanks everyone for the replies, seems I got the wrong idea from a pretty sample size of the community :) There seems to be plenty of pretty cool people on here.

I read about the Orcs and the Knights on here, and both are super impressive communities! The work that went into them is really awesome. I actually... I think I found the Orcs place by accident before I knew about the guild. I went to go there because I saw an Orc fort on a map online and figured I could get some gold killing them, and when I got there... There was piles and piles of rotting player heads everywhere, and I was like "Wtf is this... this can't be right... I think maybe I should leave" and I noped out of there pretty quickly.

Again, thanks for the replies everyone. After I posted I was worried I would sound a little whiney, but I tried to explain my reasoning as rationally as I could. It looks like I was worrying about nothing anyway, from the replies I got and the time I have spent on here so far.


Totally worth it :D I'm doing as you said...just playing at my own pace and I'm having a great time. One key thing is as you's just any other game where you can be looted and pk'd, try not to get attached to your items and you'll have a much more enjoyable time:)

I was running around with full leather armour and what I basically go round nekkid and put on random armour as I find it....if I die....oh well...just grab another bow, arrows and somne bandis and off I go again :) minimal loss

The toxicity of the PvP forums is a bit ridiculous but can make for entertaining reading. Not much of a pvper myself (because I suck).but do enjoy the random battle where I'm not just getting mage dumped and called a n00b haha! Some are nice about it and some are is life xD

Just jump on board, read some forums, ask any questions and have a fun time :D

Yes, this is what I have been doing on my warrior. I got killed in Despise after putting up a pretty pathetic fight. I figured I would go check my corpse to see if I could glean anything from it. My gear was so shit (and plate mail, so kinda heavy) the guy didn't take anything except my 5k gold. Still had my crappy gear, woo hoo!

Although it's a shame he had to slaughter my horse. Poor Kitty. Oh well, me and Kitty the Second are bonding quite well


haha and one of the reason I've donated... get that ethy mount so don't need to have a pet cemetary the size of britain :p