Lost bonded Pet this happened to me last night

I was in the ice dungeon farming ice fiends for the white polar bear mask when I was chased down by some murders. I just killed a couple of feet from the entrance to the dungeon. Upon my death my nightmare which is bonded never was killed but just disappeared this did not only freak me out by my killers as well. This just happened so I found a wondering healer then recalled to trinsic gathered some regs. Then I went to brit to tame a horse and then came back to where I died and I cannot find the nightmare and also on my character status chart it still says 2/5 pets for the nightmare even tho it seems to have just evaporated. if you could please help me with this matter it would be greatly appreciated thanks!


just page in game and wait for staff to help you. they can at least track the pet down and see where it is if it still exists.

my guess is aliens tho