PC on (8) black small palm


They aren't grown yet, but I just cross-pollinated 2 lil suckers and I can see the small palm will give me black seeds, so in about 3 weeks I'll have 8 of these babies.


Any idea on their price?

Thanks a lot :)
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ya man, these don't sell much anymore, I have a bunch white plants I was trying to sell with no luck. I would guess about 100k a plant, but GL finding a buyer.


The pricing is all over the place. People seem to like the white more than the black (I guess since black is really just a darker blue). It also depends on the plant. I don't sell a lot of small palms at my shop but they are one of my favorite plants.

I've seen whites go for 100-125k each and I can't give away my black lilies or snowdrops for 25k each.