Tram vs Fel


@Drustan did you have an accident with a pile of nails and screws? Like you just fell face first into them and then said fuck it? Just curious. I like to know things!


I'd rather have minimal scar tissue in 20 years than have no imagination or personality, @Deadpool

I was talking about how my whole body is scar tissue. Reading is hard, right? Also, if you think you drearily defending your little piercings to me when I was just making a playful joke is your idea of personality, well, I wish I could die then. But I can't, I heal too quickly. Damn it! The one time this becomes a curse!

Anyway, carry on, sir, I don't mean to take up any more of your precious time!


I don't follow comics, do I look like I follow comics? Because I don't. I had to google Deadpool's history just now. It's not a matter of me not reading, it's a matter of you doing your persona an injustice due to lack of personality and imagination.


I don't follow comics, do I look like I follow comics? Because I don't. I had to google Deadpool's history just now. It's not a matter of me not reading, it's a matter of you doing your persona an injustice.

Says the guy who made a point to say he doesn't read comics! You're so cute, cupcake!


I can respect it from an RP perspective, but your attempt at such was bad.

Thanks! Nothing like criticism from a person who doesn't know what he's criticizing! Good for you, junior!

Follow up, can I hang up this shower curtain I bought using the rods on your face? It's a fair question!


C'mon, don't break character from the start and then try to fall back on it as a joke. Bad RP, no imagination.


C'mon, don't break character from the start and then try to fall back on it as a joke. Bad RP, no imagination.

I break the 4th wall all the time, sir! That's information you can find in those wacky comic books you don't read! No problem, though! I know you don't have time to read whilst getting another piece of metal shoved into that dreary face that just oozes personality and depth that you talked about!

I like this game! It's fun playing Metal Face vs Deadpool! I hope it ends with a pancake party! (I also enjoy pancakes which is also from the things you know nothing about! You're so adorable!)

The Gandin

It's just a rough situation in general. There's always going to be bitching. It's just how things go. No one will be happy all the time. But there are definitely things in place that need to stay or there's things that aren't in place that don't need to be brought it at all.


I would love to see meta talismans work in pvp. Would be quite interesting.

hahah I liked it so much had to use it myself. hahaha


sorry bro, Cack got me on that one as well. just having fun with ya.
99% of the time when I'm being PKd I just cheer and laugh at them while they kill me. Go home restock and back out. No loss to me compared to whats been banked prior to death :)

<Spank N Bank>


So, every tamer and provo archer wants to nerf PVP based gameplay so that they can farm their gold in peace until the cows come home. They're not satisfied with safe trade zones, mountless areas, meta pets, meta talismans, pet bonding, blessed dono items, blessed plat vendor armor, or even their precious neon clothes.
I'm going to play devil's advocate and suggest we get rid of all these features, remove house teleporters, reinstate house keys, and get rid of red statting so they realize how well off they already are in the current state of events.
Give them Trammel, or give me death!
(This is a serious suggestion despite how unpopular it will be.)

They do?? I think you're mistaken. Most tamers simply want to get rid of the perma pet statloss, nothing less.

As for PVP............... if the "PVP" community really wanted "PVP" then they would be running around ORANGE. Running around RED isn't "PVP" it's PKing. :) I never under stood why most can't see the difference.

I'd suggest to @Shane (like I have in the past) that he go ahead with the short and long term count system that @Adam wanted to implement a while back and restrict Factions to Orange consensual PVP. I truly believe this will be the best thing for both styles of PVP. In doing this you shouldn’t need to penalize large faction guilds due to their success in recruiting and such… and the true Pk’s will have the traditional risk vs reward that brings excitement to that play style… no matter what side you’re on, red or blue.
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