Which "client" for what? (Razor, UOSteam, Sallos)


Hello everyone,

I am wondering which client is useful for what? Right now I only know razor so far, but a lot of players talk about steam or sallos.

Can someone give a quick overview/introduction which client can do what better or is generally used for what?

Thanks in advance
People say Razor is for those that cannot create macros well, but don't pvp

People say UOSteam is for anyone but especially for those like crafters that need complicated macros

People say Sallos is the best client for PvP

Really though, just use UOSteam for everything and you will be fine.


Hmm okay I will try using steam. Can you record macros with it as with razor? Or do you have to write it all in theory?


UOSteam and Razor are both programs that interact with the original UO client. In that regard, both have the same look and feel. But UOSteam is a newer variant with a few more options here and there and a lot better but more complicated "macro maker" but you can record with it so it's not that bad.

If you have no prior experience i would jump right in to UOSteam.

Sallos is basically a custom client that looks a lot more modern and feels smooth, but is missing a lot of features that you will need to use UOSteam for (macro skills up, selling and buying with agents, etc). It's the client most good pvpers use but can also be used for PVE.

I personally try to play on Sallos as much as possible because it just feels a lot smoother.


I'm also new and find UOSteam somewhat easier to use than Razor. Seems a little smoother, more streamlined and intuitive, more options. But Razor seems to work better on my laptop which has a newer OS, Steam gets kinda wonky on that.