Recent content by MaryKMurphy

  1. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    Ohhh i get it, Reds need a "PvP Zone" where they cant get statted on this shard to pvp. I wasn't aware how trammy the population is here. Sorry, enjoy your care-bear packaged pvp at west brit bridge. Real reds wouldn't be fighting in that zone anyway.
  2. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    If your so upset about getting ganked on your red, stop running into gank zones with your red. Where i come from, reds run around town, and people pull dragons and mares right out of the stable at the bank and try to gank 10v1 with pets. They are not crying about it, they are red and they...
  3. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    I dont think you run into 3-10 people gank squads very often. A squad is a organized grp of players typically on a voice chat. What you may be experiencing is running thru brit and 3-10 random newbs hopping on you
  4. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    I agree with this point, i just dont think the zone should extend into the housing area. I was just trying to bring up a topic that i thought would make for a good discussion, i think its gotten out of hand and trolls and flames have started so why dont we end the thread here. Im new, i guess...
  5. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    I run with a grp of 3 players in factions. Its only 3 of us, so i again your point is invalid. We dont need more than the 3 of us. If you think house hiding is valid and productive to pvp and shard pvp improvement that's your opinion, i disagree. If the shard agrees that house hiding is a...
  6. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    The no chop zone extending into a housing area just doesn't make sense to me that's why i brought it up. If you would like to fight on reds, 2v2 field with me just PM me anytime and we can go find a place without houses and have some field action and see where you actually stand in this argument.
  7. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    Maybe reds shouldnt be fighting at the bridge where only players new to pvp will fight? Players new to PvP will hug the guard zone obviously, if you dont want to deal with that you have plenty of options as a red. #1 join factions #2 dungeon PK #3 run around inside town and let people flag on...
  8. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    Actually i have 2 red factioners, and 1 blue. Im not looking for any type of catering to myself the fact is that this will increase faction field action. And not only are 2 of my faction chars red, but i also have another 2 non faction reds. So your point is invalid, sorry.
  9. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    I don't think you understand the difference between fighting reds in dungeons and factioning in the field. If a time comes when you do, please post a intelligent, well thought out response. It would be much appreciated. And i fight reds/blues all day in the dungeon, but i would like to also...
  10. MaryKMurphy

    WAYY to much house hidding in pvp

    Something should be done about this, with the lack of T2A where there are no houses, since ive moved to this shard 14 days ago the ONLY field pvp outside of dungeons ive seen is house hiding pvp. Its terrible. My suggestion is, if you are in factions or red and your in combat you shouldn't be...
  11. MaryKMurphy

    WTB Buying Beetle!

    I got one :) thank you though, Paid 30k for it tho hahaha
  12. MaryKMurphy

    WTB Buying Beetle!

    Wanting to buy a beetle!
  13. MaryKMurphy

    WTS Tmaps

    11 cleverly 8 adeptly 1 deviously S/B 15k
  14. MaryKMurphy

    Faction Suggestion

    Thanks Adam its great to see a Dev really ontop of his game