Recent content by Produkt

  1. Produkt

    Fletching Help

    At 85 skill, and making crossbows. Wondering when I should swap to Heavies.
  2. Produkt

    Provo 115 PS Price Check

    Just want to get an idea.
  3. Produkt

    In-Game titles

    What are they and how to you gain titles? Also how do you gain the titles from champ spawns?
  4. Produkt

    WTB 110 Provo PS PM on here or Florida in IRC

    Not sure what they go for.
  5. Produkt

    WTS Animal Taming Skill Scroll

    Animal Taming Skill Scroll x 3. 160k Each. If you buy all three in one sitting I'll do 150k Each and you'll save 30k. Message me on here or in IRC, name Florida.
  6. Produkt

    Tinkering over 100 and Traps

    Just wondering if having over 100 tinkering increase the dmg of your traps on boxes.
  7. Produkt

    Treasure chest in Khaldun

    Wondering what skills besides Lockpicking increase the clues you receive (if any) And do these actually work on this server?