Recent content by Stonexx

  1. S

    WTB Double Strike

    Let me know if you have a DS relic for sale and let's make you some gold.
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    WTB Pure White Tunic/Fancy shirt and Long pants.

    PM me with price might be paying with Dono/gold. what ever one floats your boat.
  3. S

    WTB Buying Rat Man Fancy shirt and Long Pants. Or Ratman Cloth

    Also looking for cloth.
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    WTS Selling Santa Stompers And Blackest Bone Mask SOLD

    Yes sorry someone messaged me super fast D=
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    WTS Balron MOTM Spellbook

    what color is it?
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    WTB Buying Rat Man Fancy shirt and Long Pants. Or Ratman Cloth

    Blessed or unblessed hmu if you'd like to sell one for a reasonable price!
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    WTS Cutlist paint 3k per SOLD

    Or I can meet you tomorrow.
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    WTS Cutlist paint 3k per SOLD

    I'm Rmd inside the bank in the back
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    WTS Cutlist paint 3k per SOLD

    bump have 50 will sell for 3k each
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    WTS Selling most of Bloodied Plate set only missing helm and neck 1mil

    1 mill for Legs, arms, chest, gloves. Make my loss your gain!
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    WTS Cutlist paint 3k per SOLD

    I have a lot lol.
  12. S

    How much AR is the bloodied plate suit?

    Title says it all. Was wondering if it was worth it.