Search results

  1. TJRawDawg

    WTS 20k Iron Ingots

    I'd like to buy 20-50k iron ignots when ever you have them available
  2. TJRawDawg

    WTB BULK Iron ignots. 5,000-50,000 @ 7-7.5gld per

    Buying LARGE qty's of Iron ignots. Qty's of 5000+. Paying gold or Dono coins
  3. TJRawDawg

    WTB Buying Large Tower (nospawn area)

    I have one near Hyloth. Good safe area near water. How much are you offering?
  4. TJRawDawg

    10 Keg Poisoning Macro

    This must be a razor macro?
  5. TJRawDawg

    Ansem's MegaFisher Macro v2.5 (For hunting serps/getting MIBS)

    Anything else the file could be saved under? I can't seem to locate my macro folder...
  6. TJRawDawg

    WTS LOOKING FOR VENDOR SPOT (armor/weaps/furnishing)

    In Search of a 1-2 good vendor spots! I would like to place 1-2 vendors in a location that is advertised (I.e. gates from britt bank or great exposure on forums) I play at least a couple hours per day and will be able to keep vendor/s restocked. Crafting Character: GM Carp GM Smith GM Tailor...
  7. TJRawDawg

    BEETLE- ISO/Buying 2 for 25k Total for both

    Looking for 2 beetles for 2 different characters. I will pay $12.5k each.