Search results

  1. G

    WTB Bulk Bones ( need 2k)

    PM me if you got dem bones
  2. G

    WTB Purchased Desired Item's

    Looking for horse/llama , pm me price plz. I will update when purchased. Looking to spend around 100-200k depending on mount, ive seen a few prices.
  3. G

    Sallos Connection Lost

    When I run Sallos , as soon as it boots the login, I get a connection lost check box. I've tried re installing uo 3 times, re installing Sallos, moving folders around. I downloaded the original client, patched it fully. Anything I am just missing? :<
  4. G


    I am greeenmartian and I am pretty much returning to UO to get a little nostalgia going for a while prior to the beta 2 on Albion :D