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  1. P

    Account wide pack in bank chest

    Bump because I feel this is important.
  2. P

    Account wide pack in bank chest

    I would like to suggest a 1 bag/backpack/container in a bank box that all characters on an account can access. For players that don't have another account, another computer or just can't run two instances of UO at a time, this would be a great addition. Example: I currently have a warrior...
  3. P

    Length of time for Murderers

    Just imagine if that was the case in real life. Kill someone, get reported, but it doesn't really matter until you've killed 5 people. Shame!
  4. P

    Length of time for Murderers

    Hello, So I was farming up in the Brit cemetery when this guy comes over and gets the killing blow on my zombie. He of course loots the corpse before I can. He then turns to me and attacks me and kills me. He was a blue guy. I reported him as a murderer. I run back up and get some of my items...
  5. P

    Hello Everyone

    Praxx here, played UO a long time ago. Beta tested and then live as a founder, etc. I was part of the guild by the name of The Divine Order (DO). Great group of guys. We started on the Pacific server, then migrated over to Sonoma when Devs offered a free guild transfer to the new server. Had a...