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  1. V

    Selling Skill scrolls and plat coins

    nm, sorry. :)
  2. V

    Dragon Inspection Agency for Virtue & Valor.

    If it's anything like the boat licenses, some people will pay over 40 grand for an inspection.
  3. V

    UOAM version 8.2 vs 8.3, map differences.

    I have two versions of UOAM, 8.2 and 8.3. The map used in v8.3 looks a lot simpler and not as good. Both are pointed to the same UO game folder. What's up with that?
  4. V

    Ruin+Accurate vs Force

    Going by this page: An increase of around 15% tactics only adds 2 or so damage, so it seems even Might adds more damage than +20% tactics. I don't know if that carries over into the game correctly.
  5. V

    Ruin+Accurate vs Force

    Which does more damage, Ruin + Accurate or Force (on it's own) How much +tactics would equal +1/3/5/7/9 base damage?
  6. V

    Young dragon vs old dragon

    Semi related, how come my dragon slaying weapon works on dragons and drakes, but not young dragons?
  7. V

    Mountainous 12x14 - SOLD

    Sold - buyout. Thanks Parsnip :)