
  1. andy

    WTS Talisman xp perk

    1h and 12 minuts 13 days and 5h til expire
  2. Dr_Heist_MD

    WTS Full Defense Relic Set (Decided against defense tali til I have more time to play)

    As title states, 4 defense tali relics. Good for someone just wanting to buy them all at once and level up accordingly or for someone to flex their relic deco superiority. They can be yours, I don't care what you do with em. Shield Bash Quenching Leech Remedy Starting bid 8m Bid Increments of...
  3. K

    WTS a Talisman Relic XP Perk 112 Minutes (SOLD)

    Hi All, I would like to sell my talisman relic xp perk that has 112 minutes on it. I'm asking 112k firm.