WTB A Quicksilver/Molten Relic

R.I. Smith

they wont be because their drop rate isnt there. they are at 2.5m today and were yesterday I might part with one at 2m thats as close as I would go

Duck Face

Nah, y'all missed the boat. all the desperate rich people got their toys already. The price will be dropping. Look at the selling section, 3 for sale atm.
I can't believe people do not see what you see Duck Face. You are 100% correct all the rich people have them now and the price will have to continue to drop so the people of lesser and lesser wealth can buy them. OR the people getting theses Bloody Relics could just horde them and not put them on the market creating a false inflation like the diamond industry does.

There are more going up now than people that can or will pay these prices so the prices will have to fall soon. I mean they have already been falling.

Duck Face

Yes they have, last week you see them selling for 3-4, now there are three for sale @ 2.5. 3 weeks I am estimating Meta pets to drop to 1.5 for the egg, relics might hang on for a little longer, but they will all drop to 500k and below within a month or two. Feel free to quote me when I am proven right. :)


Everything new will obviously be in demand thus inflate the prices. Like buying a new phone that will be half a price in a year, or less. You cant expect people sell you somthing at the price its gonna be in two month. You want somthing first,pay up. If you want for less, you gotta wait. You're right about prices droping, but 100% wrong to ask for it to be cheap right now.



you guys think the drop rates are always going to be this 20%?

they just did that to flood the market, make u trammy blues happy because if they didnt change it to 20% ALLLL u guys would be crying your tears out STILL to this day about how POWER has all the relics on the shard

anywho............................ its bound to go back to 5-10% anyday now or even less im sure

have u guys have no UOF history? Same shit different toilet


they just did that to flood the market, make u trammy blues happy because if they didnt change it to 20% ALLLL u guys would be crying your tears out STILL to this day about how POWER has all the relics on the shard

but the reason power got all relicts at that time was just you guys used the instand respawm RDA exploit


we've had every accusation thrown at us, we laugh at it all really to be honest, maybe not be what you guys want to hear but its pure UO gold, comedy
the whole shard took a L last night, coward trammy blues, tough talk forums talker, make a factioner, get in the game, be about what your talking about instead of hiding behind a "all guard me" or 10 of your other friends to back you up!!

new sherrif in town in TB and the pvp will be at brit bridge

but anywho
rather be falsely accused of that than barracoon literally proven to have 20-30 accounts tied to his computer aye?

Duck Face

It doesn't matter if the drop rates are decreased by 50%. It is funny that you all think it matters what I want to pay for something. This post was created to prove a point and I'll bump it until someone sells me the relic for 500k. We will see when that occurs. My guess is between 6-8 weeks. I don't pvp so move your bitching about pvp to another thread, this is the WTB section... The idiots here can't read/comprehend anything I have said, did I say BUYING TODAY ONLY? No, dumb rich people will spend millions for something that is obviously worth a lot less, bc they can just donate a shit ton and recoup the loss. That market is going to dwindle and when it does my thread is here, 500k is the price. If you don't like it too bad.

