Archdemon problem - not killable?


New Member

put like a month to finish meta quest. And recently I had a free weekend to kill archdemon. Or at least try to kill it. It spawned as evil easter spirit. When he is around 40% of hp he turns into paragon and reset hp. Also what seems like a kind of a bug. He switch to normal after like 30 minutes but for example now he hits for freaking huge amount of hp. Plus yesterday I was hitting him for like 60 hp now I do like 8 hp dmg. Lol :) Could any of wizards explain if this is as planned or something evolved a little bit too much? :)


The more people attack it, the stronger it gets. So that's why you might do 60 damage one time and then 8 later when more people are attacking. Think if more than 5 attack arch it will go para. He's much easier when only two people fight him


New Member

ok your reply kind of explained what happened. I was attacking him solo yesterday and done like 8 dmg with a weapon with which I deal like 60 previous day, also he hits for ridiculous amount of dmg now. No way to tank it. So it cumulates the effect and never reset. Not sure if it is supposed to be like that but from talks with other players who tried during this few days (he spawned in saturday morning european time) it was hard but never so much to kill.