Bring back the Cave Bears!


Just imagine the sorrow I felt, when I logged in to work my meta....and recalled into a sad, empty cave.

An entire species....gone.
And for what?!

Restore the majestic cave bear to it's natural habitat!


Somehow they felt it easier to remove a spawn that's on a ten minute timer than jailing or banning afk farmers. Rule abiding tamers got shafted because of the abusers.


Of course it's easier to remove them. We don't have the time or desire to police a bear spawn. Another option would be 0xp for metas killing bears just like the bunnies.
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I totally appreciate that aspect, but I never saw a bear not being farmed by a live client when I was training my meta there. In fact it was a bottleneck with sometimes 3,4,5 of us showing up at the same time, waiting on next spawn.

Was it really being so abused as to be game breaking?

If we run into an afk xp farmer we kill them... Policed by the players already.

They aren't necessary obviously but removing the option for all meta trainers because of a couple bad eggs stinks :(


Yeah, I did not approve of that move.

I get it in a way, but couldn't they just have been made stronger and/or aggressive?

The bears would actually put out a little bit of damage, they were basically the same thing as a snow harpy just not aggressive and with no other spawn around.