Butler suggestions *please look*

sam sam

just some brainstorming

make the butler have a feature similar to UOSteam's "Complete" under Organizer tab....

example: this would basically make it so you can recall in, double click the butler and if your restock amount on butler is 90 garlic, and you have 30 garlic on you already in total....it would grab 60 garlic from butler inventory to put you at 90

also make the reverse of this true....if i have 130 garlic but my restock amount on butler is only 90 garlic....it should take 40 garlic from my backpack and put it onto butler inventory for storage (unless butler is full and wont be able to hold it

this would make the butler useful even when not newly ressed.....

also please add empty trap pouches onto butler as well as arrows and bolts

how about a way to reclaim your stock back from butler, like maybe he drops it all at his feet when you say ' butler drop' ?

what happens to butler and the inventory on butler at IDOCS??

customizable paper-doll for butler, so we can dress and put our outfits and own styles onto butlers

can we do re-deedable butler, like if you use an axe on him....drop inventory to ground, and go back to deed form, this would make it trade-able amongst players

minor bugs with butler

1, if you go into customize mode for plot, butler gets ejected out of house, need to page in to relocate it.
2. if you say i ban thee and target butler, he gets ejected from house, page in to relocate
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also: Butler are smart and know everything about his masters needs so they should only hand out bandages if the char got healing or vet