Cartography ideas?


Just thinking about sandbox ideas for a sandbox game, and wondering what would be kinda cool to have we might not have in game yet?

What if cartography could make whiteboard or interactive maps? Like a player could mark plots on the map and give to other players for scavenger hunts or their own treasure? What if pvpers could draw routes for their zerg strategies? Something more than just pin points? I just imagined war games and generals standing over a map of the battle field. Placing units and discussing plans etc.

Idea 2. What about a map of foresight type concept? This would be double clicked and a targeting cursor would come up. You could then target a rune or moon gate and the map would draw out the location on the there side! This would be useful treasure hunting to see if you are recalling to the correct location, to see if said rune or gate really takes you to a vendor shop or level 5 deceit? Maybe you have runes to idoc and can't remember which location it was?

Just some little things that increase the quality of life in up and or add some fun and role play elements while still quite functional.


What about simply adding lvl 7 t-maps (which are honestly a no brainer, why aren't they in already)

right now with 70 carto you can open lvl 6 maps (dumb lol). I GMed the skill just for the title (it's actually quite hard from 98 to 100) and it's useless.

@halygon @eppy


level 7 maps are really just a group oriented task, while I would like to see them here - I'd love to see other uses for cartography in general - I like where Streets is going with suggestion 1. Suggestion 2 doesn't really phase me, if i'm going through a gate I don't know, I invis first, so I can get back out - I think there are ways to avoid the griefer gates.