New Dungeon Levels Open!!

Garet Jax

Yeah Ice 3 is cool, but cove 4 is awesome, lol. Shit gets insane real fast in there and that boss dragon is bad ass.


The AI is increased, MOBS are smarter, harder and ultimately more hardcore. Get em!
Awesome job guys. I could be wrong but is this is first freeshard that has made enhancements to the monster AI? I haven't heard of any others that have attempted it. Either way impressive work.
Well, I read it again, And I see that it will be open today at 9 EST, and who created it, but no location? Is this a search I should do? Is it the one you need a boat for? Ah snap, I searched for it, and found it. But is there going to be coordinates given or some lore for it?


why we have to farm that place if other place are more remunerative with less risk? i mean , add some loot into that mobs, its not a whine, but i can farm shame 5 or kaldun instead cove 4 that is pretty harder for same or less loot


Wellll asics farming those spots now is nearly pointless (only things there worth mentioning are new tameables) but in just a few hours its gonna change. The bosses with rare drops and chance of shards of legendary hammer dropping are a pretty big deal I would imagine.
can these rares be stolen? how about the pieces of the hammer? and the finished hammer itself? Please tell me my thief has a job in these new dungeons?


Thats pretty good actually. Hopefully more will come, its more fun with a bigger popluation and bigger economy. Cov level 4 will open it up a bit too wont be overcrowded.