PC swamp tentacle statue

wendy whoppers

Crazy price. I would have said 200-250k.
I've paid 450k for statues. But that was for a parrot and 400k for a boggling. Those are much rarer and cooler looking.

Well done on the sale!
Crazy price. I would have said 200-250k.
I've paid 450k for statues. But that was for a parrot and 400k for a boggling. Those are much rarer and cooler looking.

Well done on the sale!

Unless you know of swamp tentacle spawns I dont know of there are way way less of them then boglings and parrots. It makes getting one much harder. Personally I have never seen another one and there are a lot of parrots and boglings around. Iv had two of each drop for me.

Which one looks better is up to the person but there is no doubt that the swamp tentacle is much rarer.

wendy whoppers

You're crazy son. You actually bash these monsters for endless hours for statues????!!!!

I've got 84 different statues now. I've actually gotten 4 of them myself. 2 from champ spawns, other 2 random luck. They are impossible to get and mindlessly boring to do.

Re spawns? I thought only 3 boglings spawn? Seen a few swamp tents. Although I think a bogling is the coolest statue around.


I'm at a toss-up between sand vortex and bogling. Neither of which I'd have the effort to slam my dick onto the keyboard and kill for hrs a day.


I'm at a toss-up between sand vortex and bogling. Neither of which I'd have the effort to slam my dick onto the keyboard and kill for hrs a day.

sand vortex no longer has a spawn anymore =/ since they took it out of compassion desert, for the best of my knowlege anyways, i tried to find one to farm, but luckily got one from an idoc, since i couldnt find any , anywhere.

wendy whoppers

Oh I agree. You're better off being in a pvp guild like me. Do or steal baracoon with 3-5 players. Then buy the statues with the millions earnt from little work,

Pays to be a pvper, not a trammel!!!

Most of the rare statues for sale would merely be a result of Newb luck. Some trammah kills the random forest spawn and gets an awesome statue. Although as above there are some no lifers who farm 12 hours worth of pigs for a statue.


Meh. I used to just do idocs. Kill all in sight 5 mins before the drop, place, profit.
Sitting on 2 castles and many mils and dono and have only dono'd once, $10 for an ethy when I started. Though, I think I may dono $20 for appreciation to the devs and toss the coins in the trash to keep outta circulation.

Figure I may as well deco the shit 'til buds come back to play.
You're crazy son. You actually bash these monsters for endless hours for statues????!!!!

I've got 84 different statues now. I've actually gotten 4 of them myself. 2 from champ spawns, other 2 random luck. They are impossible to get and mindlessly boring to do.

Re spawns? I thought only 3 boglings spawn? Seen a few swamp tents. Although I think a bogling is the coolest statue around.

Putting one of two spots into a farming rotation is a lot less work than you're making it sound like. Eventually the statues you don't have will rarely if ever be sold. Keep working on the collection! You'll get to the point im at eventually.


i knew this stattue was ganna sell for 400k + right off the bat i told him so in irc, i said parrot sold @ 460k this stattue will be right on par.