Pirating Ideas


I've come up with some pretty good ideas on how to be a good pirate and get as many victims as possible. I'm sharing them because they will eventually be found out anyway. I know that "Boat Blocking" is already well-known and used. Ships are indeed more valuable now and it is nice to have a lot of them.

Boat Bait: If you're actively in the game and able to pay attention (doing MiBs?), leave several boats in pairs of two out in the ocean. Monitor whether they are sunk or not by playing on your primary char when doing MiBs. Place the pair of boats close to each other, but not near the same screen and only close enough to track people on the two boats with 100 tracking. Put a marker to where you left your boats and the name of the boat in UOAM. Once a boat is sunk, recall with your pirates to the boat that is near the sunken boat, and use tracking to find the player(s) that sunk your boat. If they are already out of range, move your boat to the location where your other boat was sunk and use tracking again to try and find them. When your boat sinks you lose the two runes that come with it. Align all of your boat runes together with each pair of boat bait runes so you know instantly which rune to recall to.

Sea Runes: Wish you could mark a spot out at sea with a rune that you could recall to? Place a boat there and use the boat rune. Boat baits also function as boat runes and can help you get to places out at sea much faster if you have a lot of boats in the ocean. Boat Bait's work best for this, because you have a backup rune/boat on hand to recall to if someone finds one of the boats and sinks it. These will not only come in handy while going around the ocean doing SoS messages (pulling up chests), they will come in handy to get to other locations in the middle of nowhere much faster, such as enemy boats or to help a guild mate in a boat battle, or to be the first one to reach a whirlpool.

Boat Trap: Put a trapped box in the storage of the boat baits. People will sink the bait, loot the remains, and likely open the trapped box, resulting in a free kill. This gives them one less "toon" that is combat ready when you are sailing towards them and may make them pause long enough to be distracted while resurrecting the dead "toon" and re-equipping. Eventually, doing that on your boat bait's will simply alarm them that trouble is approaching. They will notice a box that can be trapped in the ship loot, and realize that the boat was bait. Do something funny like putting a fishing net, a level 1 t-map, and some fish steaks in the trapped box.

Boat Loot: As a means to stall the player from moving their boat right after they sink the bait, put some kind of loot in the ship storage, such as small stacks of 100gp, regs, fishing nets, level 1 t-maps, lots of fishing junk that you get while pulling up SoS chests, etc. Some players will take the time to sort through these items looking for good "stuff." Also, place a trapped box into the loot pile. Again, after a while, this will be getting "old" and well-known, so it will stop working on veteran players.

Boat Summoning Blockage: Place fish all over your smaller boats in order to block people from summoning dangerous EV's and blade spirits onto your boat without knowing the exact spots where they can be summoned without blockage. Even knowing these spots, it can sometimes be difficult to click on the exact locations, especially if the boat is moving. Stand on the boat hatch to block that location because you can't put anything on top of it to block that location. Standing there also shields you from fire field and poison field spells.

Boat Blocking: Know where your target is and where he or she is likely to flee? Sail to that location and place several boats on the screen, and then sail back and attempt to attack. If he or she flees, they will likely run into your boats and this will give you time to kill them all.
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Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
I'd love to see more people out on the water. The new system is great. I wonder what would motivate more people to get out there. Any ideas?


Imo the drop rates for rates in whirlpools are low and one player cannot safely complete a pool dus to massive amounts of mobs.

I understand the thought behind why pools are hard to complete but it also drives people away from doing them unless you have a group together (which is rare since we can't even get single players to come out in a reasonable number.

The other issue is dropping of the boat upgrades. I like/understand being able to loot them but again that drives the general adventurer away by losing 20-30k just in upgrades.

The third issue is casting ev on the boats. There is a thread on the forums to tone down evs and in a small space like a boat, casting an EV on a boat means almost certain death and seems to go against the idea of fair play.

Again, I'm not complaining as I have done my fair share of boating and will continue to do it but I have talked to others in the guild and those are some questions / issues that come up.