screwed up? PRice check Ethereal Frenzied Ostard


Yah I messed up and thought I would get confirmation click...

So is the Frenzied better than the regular flavor? If it was a 'live' one I remembered the frenzied were badass if you had taming.

So what is the difference between this frenzied and regular?

Should I just sell it??

Dwyane Wade

Like Sagan said, no difference at all. They do look pretty good in ethy form though with the ridges on their tail :cool:

I'd keep it


MAN! First I miss the chicken fight... now I spent TWICE the coins on a mount!

Oh well, on the bright side; ive succesfully avoided being pk'd about 4 times today. Died once though to MONSTERS that blocked me in! I Was buried so deep I didnt even bother going back to get my regs/loot. Spent the next two hours seeing "fame" messages pop up... I guess from groups killing the mobs that got me.

PRetty crazy day all told:)