Undercover Boss idea.


So I was watching the tv show "Undercover Boss" and was wondering what would happen if it was tried on this server. It goes like this...

"Undercover Boss is a television franchise series The show’s format features the experiences of senior executives working undercover in their own companies to investigate how their firms really work and to identify how they can be improved, as well as to reward hard-working employees."

Imagine Shane or Carl or one of the other higher ups playing this server undercover as a normal player.

"Each episode features a high-ranking executive or the owner of a corporation going undercover as an entry-level employee in his or her own company."

Maybe pretending to be a noob in a pvp or or role playing guild.

"At the end of their time undercover, the executives return to their true identity and request the employees they worked with individually to travel to a central location—often corporate headquarters. The bosses reveal their identity, and reward hard-working employees through promotion, or financial rewards; while other employees are given training, better working conditions, or, in extreme cases, termination."

I wonder what kinds of shenanigans they would run into while undercover and what the players they interacted with would think once they revealed their true identities.


*cough* magneto :(
Who? This guy?


I'm not Magneto or Charles Xavier or Sabertooth or any other x man, go take your pointless posts elsewhere >:0