Completely lost...

Ford Perfect

I started my character last night and, thus far, have only run in to two people. One was also new.

I have been searching for a vendor to buy gear but have only found one single vendor who was selling mining gear. I tried looking up vendors on this forum and found a few mentioned, but couldn't find them on the map.

I read another thread mentioning that there were always people at the Trinsic Bank, but don't see a soul...

I feel like I am doing something incredibly wrong here. Can anyone help?


If you can make it to Brit bank there are always people gating to shops. From trin follow road north and east and you will make it there.

Ford Perfect

Comments like that make me think I'm on a different server... I have yet to see anyone gating to a shop from Brit bank. I've only seen the same 2 or 3 people sitting up there in silence since I started.


You must be on a different server. Even at off peak hours there is usually 4-5 macro gaters in Brit.


Go to home page and be sure when you use the launcher with your interface razor or what have you that you use correct information.


I've been lost on uo with that "where the fuck am i look on my face"....but I've never been so lost I ended up on another server.
This thread is friggin hilarious.

Ford Perfect

Hey I think you were at my shop last night and I gave you a city banks runebook... pretty sure that was you? If you still need a dungeon runebook let me know, I can hook you up with a few!

That was definitely me and I still do need those runebooks!


If you need spellbooks or something HMU. I work a busy life but I'll find time to get you something to help you out.


Free City of Trinsic! [Trin] Best "all-around" guild on the server! We do everything and the familia is made up of alot of great people!