remove pet perma skill loss


  • Give counts got pet killing.
  • Make it so anyone with a count cannot use recall/gate into our out of dungeons
  • Move Rda back to dungeon
  • Allow new gem to teleport you to entrance of dungeon with an active Rda
  • Allow players to craft portal stone using t-maps and power scrolls using cartography and scribe adding viability to these skills and success rate can go up as you get to 120. # of maps required based on map level.
  • Could put a chest inside the crafted Rda that requires 100-120 lp
This would sink a ton of power scrolls and maps. Add 3 more power scroll types creating value again. Put random dungeon adventures back in dungeons.
I've got a lot more to say but on my phone its a pain so I'll leave it at that for now.


  • Allow new gem to teleport you to entrance of dungeon with an active Rda
The rest of your suggestions aren't bad but this is a horrible suggestion. It would take essentially no time at all for any established guild to run the dungeon and find the RDA. This will squeeze out any chance a smaller group can capitalize on RDAs. Part of the beauty of RDAs is that you have to put in some work to track the world and find them. Even a small group (4 people) has an opportunity here since the more established groups don't hunt for RDA's that often (PCH being the exception).


Ya I'm trying to work within what I think they are going for with the stone idea. I think small group could summon their own using my suggestion but personally I would prefer to see them in dungeon and them just remove this whole stone idea.

I've done a ton of tracking in the past and yes Rda can reward those who put in the effort. I'm just not a fan of anything that forces players to do something they hate to enjoy the reward (in pretty sure everyone hates tracking Rda). Some fix to how they are currently found is in order.

3 worst things in game right now:
  • Running for Rda with no player interaction trying not to fall asleep
  • Waiting for a boss to spawn (akor, warlock, arch)
  • Waiting for an idoc to fall
I hate inactive game play. Uof needs to have systems that reward you for active game play.


Ya I'm trying to work within what I think they are going for with the stone idea. I think small group could summon their own using my suggestion but personally I would prefer to see them in dungeon and them just remove this whole stone idea.

I've done a ton of tracking in the past and yes Rda can reward those who put in the effort. I'm just not a fan of anything that forces players to do something they hate to enjoy the reward (in pretty sure everyone hates tracking Rda). Some fix to how they are currently found is in order.

3 worst things in game right now:
  • Running for Rda with no player interaction trying not to fall asleep
  • Waiting for a boss to spawn (akor, warlock, arch)
  • Waiting for an idoc to fall
I hate inactive game play. Uof needs to have systems that reward you for active game play.
I don't know about that. I am that weirdo that likes tracking. I get to find overland spawns I didn't know about and backwoods vendors. I am most likely in the minority.

If we are going by this logic Meta leveling should be easier, skills should gain instantly or even faster than currently (no crappy grind for taming, no need to afk macro), ..etc. Putting up some kind of barrier to entry on things within the game rewards those that put in the effort. The crappy part just needs to be balanced against the rewards provided. Since two out of the four types of RDA's can be done easily with just two tamers with Meta's and the potential reward (rare though it might be) is millions of gold between a powerscroll and relic I think the barrier for RDA's isn't bad.


I think everyone is forgetting that stat loss(red) is punishment for being a fucking murderer.
What's the reason for punishing a blue tamer...?
Yea I get it OP pet, end game munching behemoth. W/e catch phrase you want to insert there. Still doesn't make sense to punish blues on the basis that reds have punishment so should blues....

^^ this


I think at the end of he day stat loss needs to scale with the strength of the pets. If you have an army of bonded scorpions you probably don't need pet stat loss. Dragons and white wyrms could have a lessened stat loss (.1) and metas should have full stat loss. Also remember that even meta dexxers have a 15min timeout on death unless they pay. Since you can farm enough gold with a meta to buy the skills back in 30min I think this is fair.

Only thing that might be nice for tamers to pay to avoid skill loss so they don't have to find the correct scrolls. Would need to have his option be in the 75-100k range so skill scrolls are still a better buy

Blaine the Gypsy

Also remember that even meta dexxers have a 15min timeout on death unless they pay. Since you can farm enough gold with a meta to buy the skills back in 30min I think this is fair.
Or accidentally unequipped and reequipped... X_x I've done it a few times

Tard the Paladin

The dev staff is already working on addressing the PK system issues. Keep in mind that it affects many people and we need to make sure it is fair for everyone and stays in alignment with the goals of UOF - these are not decisions made lightly.

We're all interested in what this might entail. Is perma-stat going to be implemented or are other systems being contemplated?

I've made peace with the idea that UOF might reduce the red population since there are so many blues out there complaining. I mean OSI didn't introduce Trammel until there was a large scale outcry for it. I trust that the changes implemented will benefit the shard as a whole. However, I think it would be considerate to give us all a heads up about the upcoming changes. That way those of us who aren't interested in the changes can go ahead and rip off the band aid and find an environment that suits our play style.
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Just introduce the option to pay gold instead of statsloss or having to look for scrolls. Seriously, with a maxxed meta dragon and now maybe a steed u re gonna use 4ss per death. Who really wants to constantly have to buy ss? Advertise... Meet players to buy one single scroll.. Its annoying..

Let me pay for it.. The same 25k murderers pay.. Per pet if it must be..


It is indeed hard when you got 2/3+ blue (grey) griefers attacking your pet with their metas at the same time.

Just saying....

LORE had almost 20+ tamers at one point of time and they were horrible yo.



$ wins again !

TYPICAL EQMS Propoganda !


I dont think removing stat loss from tamers pets is the way to go... wasnt it introduced because people woudl throw their pets at champ spawns with no concern if they died?

I think the way to go is to give penalties for people killing pets so that the only time your pets should be dying is if you get PKd by a red or if it dies to spawn because you got overwhelmed by mobs.

The whole notion of 2 or 3 tamers recalling into someone, killing their pets, and then leaving while having no penalties is pretty lame/griefy especially considering how many people play this game for to PVM/level their meta etc.

I used to be all about griefing, ruining peoples days, res killing, being as big of a dick as possible on UO(because this was the menatlity on OSI, IPY, uoforever etc) but I realized on UOF that while its fun to kill people, excessive griefing really has no place on a freeshard if you actually give a fuck about its long term health.


Or just give murder counts for killing blue pets. I have only had my pets killed by reds a handful of times since sticking around is extra risk for them. Blue griefers on the other hand...

typical EQMS propaganda bullshit once again ............

lawl !

is EQMS so affected by $ ? CAN I HAVE AN ANSWER PLS ?


wat a joke guild !