Checks deed box


@Shane @Adam Hear is a Idea for you a check box for your house like the Community deed box (( not a bank box )) this box you can put gold in to it to make checks and you can take the checks to the bank i have gold at my hose and some time i have to take it to the bank well i have to make 5 to 6 trips to the bank i can only hold 100000k and that it it would be nice to take it all in one trip and you can secure this box in your house


Work around is adding a vendor to your house, drop the gold on him/her and collect. Will send check to the bank for you.


that is a good one but you would have to open your house to the public for the vendor this box you do not have to open you house to the public


@Shane @Adam Hear is a Idea for you a check box for your house like the Community deed box (( not a bank box )) this box you can put gold in to it to make checks and you can take the checks to the bank i have gold at my hose and some time i have to take it to the bank well i have to make 5 to 6 trips to the bank i can only hold 100000k and that it it would be nice to take it all in one trip and you can secure this box in your house

You can open a gate on top of yourself and release the box with as much stones as it weighs and drag it with left click and mouse scroll wheel up or down bunch of times so the item stays on your screen but it not occupied with the mouse cursor (move your mouse after). Than when its floating on your screen double click your gate and access your bank and put your mouse over where the item is lifted and it will stick back to it. Just drop it in your bank and its good.


the box would be secured to your house now your house can be private or open to the public you can place a vendor if you like paying for nothing that cool to me i like to try to keep my gold the box would help me out


I like the idea .. However I think just adding the feature to CD Boxs instead IMHO . but then again if the box was in cool unique hue a guess that would be cool..


you're straight dumb. You can carry 7,5 mln in one go from a house to a bank.
Even if the bank is empty when you do this, you cannot drop the chest in there. Or has the item limit in the bank box been increased?

*If not 7,440,000 in 1 go (124 * 60,000) +1 (chest/bag)


Even if the bank is empty when you do this, you cannot drop the chest in there. Or has the item limit in the bank box been increased?

Why would it be increased? Bank has 125 item slots so you can place a chest (1 item) plus 124x 60k gold stacks inside of it. Counting as 125 total items placed. However i don't know anyone having 7mln in 60k stacks in their house and i wont recommend it.


Why would it be increased? Bank has 125 item slots so you can place a chest (1 item) plus 124x 60k gold stacks inside of it. Counting as 125 total items placed. However i don't know anyone having 7mln in 60k stacks in their house and i wont recommend it.
124 * 60,000 = 7,440,000
Took the 7.5 mil as literal 125 stacks of 60k gold. Hence the thinking it wouldn't work if the bank only had 125 slots. You rounded up :p


well if we had the bags of sending in this uo like we had in the old uo it would make moving the gold in coin form to the bank faster and easier for the player now trying to get them back haha good luck