Search results

  1. Amberracuda

    People Top o' WBB Be Like:

  2. Amberracuda

    RDA 'revamp'

    More than likely an S&I thread, but since all the others posted under the same topic do not get moved, and I want more discussion and views. I would like an open discussion of idea's for making RDA's a more 'accessible' option. I have some ideas I would like to share. 1) Limit the total number...
  3. Amberracuda

    Ways to encourage smaller group pvp...

    I am thinking of some idea's that I am not quite certain how they would work out in the long run. So I'm waiting until they are hashed out better and edit the OP. BUT I would like other people to share their idea's on how we could promote smaller pvp groups. ie 3-5 'We' like to go out 3 at...
  4. Amberracuda

    WTB Seeds

    Looking for seeds Def. want orange petal seed & thorn seed, but also some decorative ones. Thanks in advance!!
  5. Amberracuda

    WTS 5 Taming SS 1.35M

    Although they often sell at 250 per, you have the convenience of 5 in one buy. 270 per, SOLID.
  6. Amberracuda

    WTB Large Moonglow House (or other nice 18x18)

    Wanting to buy a 'larger' house on moonglow 14x+, preferably >18x18. Location is important but not everything. Also potentially interested in other 18x18 with spawnless locations if price is right, post or PM TY.
  7. Amberracuda

    WTT WTB Large house on moonglow.

    Wanting to buy a 'larger' house on moonglow 14x+, preferably >18x18. Location is important but not everything. Also potentially interested in other 18x18 with spawnless locations if price is right, post or PM TY.