Search results

  1. Mikkeliv

    Shrink Pots

    I had mistakenly posted this in wrong spot. :( I'd like to see shrink potions for pets. The best example I can give... Everyday, at Brit bank, you see one of two things.... A buyer looking for beetles, or a seller looking to sell one. Rarely at same time. Shrink Pots allow the...
  2. Mikkeliv

    How to drop Young tag

    How does one drop young tag?
  3. Mikkeliv

    Couple housing questions.

    I went here... but didn't see much info. I've never had/used a custom house. I'd set a Villa somewhere, but I want the teleporter doohicky. Sooooo.... If I buy a plot off someone, do I still need that house tool thingy? If I buy a plot off someone, is...
  4. Mikkeliv

    Little BOD Help :)

    I figured out how the LBOD deeds worked. That I need to make a smaller one first, then combine it with the bigger one. 2 Questions..... 1) Does the UO stratics guide apply here, or are there shard variations? 2) Am I correct in assuming, I don't need to save any helmet and shield ones?
  5. Mikkeliv


    Are the gems I'm mining up needed for anything, or should I just vendor them?
  6. Mikkeliv

    Donation Beatle

    Does donation beatle carry same, or more than a pack horse? A pack horse can hold 133 total ore.
  7. Mikkeliv

    Bonded Pets

    Hmmm... So I logged out in an inn, with my bonded pack horse, and logged back in to a wild pack horse, no longer mine. :( I didn't stable him, cause apparently I'm only allowed to stable 2 pack horses. Those ones weren't bonded yet. I been logging out in the inn for a few days with the...
  8. Mikkeliv

    Rune Books

    How I make the lock down rune books in goonglow work? I opened it to the location, then hit recall button, nothing :(
  9. Mikkeliv

    Need little advice :)

    For skill gains in crafting, for example blacksmithy, what percentage is recommended to shoot for? Meaning, do I try hard stuff in the 30's, mid range in the 50's, or easy to make in the 70's? I've seen a variety of guides in the search, so I'm not sure if there have been changes or not. It's...
  10. Mikkeliv

    Armslore needed for?

    Does it help make better stuff as a blacksmith?