WTS 120 mining/120 fishin/120 provo


ah yes rememeber when i started 120 mining was down by 450.
should have bought all 120 ps that time lol

but u are right.
if noone want it this price ill go down sure.

Fisher Titus

my apologies, didnt realize until after i posted it may be taken as i was trying to screw your thread, wasnt the intention at all


Titus, I saw you get one for 1 mil recently and let you have it. I figured if someone wasn't jacking up the price for it you could get it for cheaper and I really don't need three 120 fishers.

I paid too much for mine (3 mil for 2). I might take this 120 scroll for 1 mil, but even then it is only a maybe, and it will have to wait a few days or more.

I haven't noticed that much of a difference, if any, from 115 to 120. I just did 100 MiBs last week and I didn't pull up even 1 Osiredon with 120. Just one 120 fisher may be all you really need for having a higher chance to get an Osiredon and a better chance to pull up rares from whirl pools.

Raynan, you might be able to get 1.5 mil for the 120 fishing PS if you hold on to it for long enough, but there is no way I'm paying that much. Good luck.